Meet Dramagirl
Weewee discovered a way to entertain the baby and build her Lego empire at the same time. It may look like they are only criss-crossed but indeed she has Pink trapped under her arm. Pink loves to play with Legos, the smaller the better. She sees no use in playing with the ones she can't choke on! So in response to one of my multiple desperate pleas for someone to please take the baby for a little while Evie figured out how to multi-task. That's my girl! She is the handiest girl to help a momma in a pinch! I'm continually amazed at her flair for taking care of things. From cooking to cleaning to concocting some fun scheme she is my go-to girl, and she can hold her own in full contact basketball against the boys. She got her own tool kit for Christmas and I have been reaping the benefits ever since. A few years ago I lamented that StrongMan was not able to change Buster's bike tire for awhile and very nonchalantly she replied, "Oh, I fixed that a long time ago." Buster didn't even know she had fixed it! She is now my official thing-fixer when daddy's not home. I knew she had it in her when she was 4 and took apart her toy vacuum cleaner with a screwdriver. Who knew those things had so many screws!?I have to watch her very carefully though, she has a knack for technology that I don't have and when I'm not careful she changes things on my computer that I can't fix! She thought it would be fun to play a joke on me so one day she hid all of my desktop icons. I flipped out! "Would you please leave my stuff alone! I don't have time to mess with this!" She was trying not to laugh while she showed me how to get my icons back. She is definitely the type to outsmart a parent, she would make a great lawyer for all of the loop holes she finds. In her preteen years she has developed quite the personality. For all of her handy ways and joke playing she is very sweet and always comes to the defense of any disadvantaged party. She has been known to rat out some brother for something and then come to their defense and plead their case when the judge has meted out their sentence. She loves a good practical joke and is always up for some kind of game- the more ruthless and cutthroat the better. I still owe her a game of Monopoly. She has really gotten into soccer and has a good mind for strategy. She has made some good friends on her soccer team, though the recap of practice and all of the drama 15 twelve-year-olds spread around is alternately amusing and exasperating to me. It makes me laugh when she comes home talking about the soccer episode of the day- apparently she doesn't realize that their drama is an innate part of her, though admittedly I'd rather have her style than the other girls; hers is a fun pre-teen drama, not the snooty, full-blown teen drama (can we dodge that bullet?). Understandably she did protest though when she read that I was using her nickname of Weewee for her blog name. I promised her I'd change it- I love you Dramagirl!
That's a GREAT picture! I love hearing details about all the kids in the family I never get to see!