It has been awhile but I'm breathing again so I thought I'd post. This is my sweet Banena, with her arms full of babies- true to her nature. She has a knack for sweetening up any 'ol baby who just needs a soft touch to pull out of a funk! It was no surprise to us when Pink's first word (besides "hi") was "Naynaynay". There are quite a few days when she is the 'chosen one'- Pink often elects a favored person for the day and Banena is usually it. She also has a knack with animals as she really tries to see things from their viewpoint- a skill which gives her unending understanding and loads of patience. We were leaving one day to find our neighbor's rather strong-willed dog wandering in our yard. After each of us alternately pushing, begging, scolding, ignoring and trying to authoritate that dog home all to no avail, we were giving it up as lost. Banena simply looked at the dog and said "Now Negge- it is time for you to go home." Negge simply looked at her and at all of us and trotted back to her house! That dog was known for it's stubborn nature but Banena never had any trouble! She has always been a softie- we can count on her to take pity on anyone or anything. However she's not all pushover! She doesn't mind standing her ground against any girl who thinks they will just run past her with a soccer ball. When she first started playing (age 5) she really didn't like taking the ball away from the opposing team- preferring instead to share with her opponent. These days she is quite a different girl! It's fun to watch the players wonder what happened when they end up on the ground without the ball! She has taken on her sister's habit of losing herself in books- only to emerge later wondering where the daylight went. She prefers books about animals, kids taking care of things, bad guys getting their just desserts, wilderness survival and anything involving the daring rescue of orphans. With her eye for detail Banena makes the perfect "Momma's helper"- a job she loves being farmed out for. During her 12 years as oldest (even for twins this is quite the hill to die on!) she has amassed quite the multitude of skills that make her invaluable to a smooth operation. From detailed tub scrubbing to delicious baked goods to croup, she is quite capable. With all of her home talents however she does try to avoid washing her clothes- preferring instead the sneak attack of putting an article or two in with the rest of the family's clothes so she doesn't have to do it herself! There is a method to her madness! We're not always sure how she has organized things but she certainly has things put in a place; though sometimes I dread investigating to find out her sorting rule. When she was little she would store a group of things in a sock and loved different containers for organizing things- not much different from now! In the future she sees herself working with animals and she longs for a horse. We hope one day to have some land where she (and the rest of the kids too) can get all the open air she loves, with plenty of critters to dote on. She would love to take a hatchet, survival guide, compass and pocket knife and try to make her way in the woods, maybe some open space would give her a feel for the land before she tries it! Good thing she is a crack shot with her sling shot! Her favorite days are those where she rises early and makes everyone breakfast then gets her school work done- all before 8am. She doesn't mind school, loves math and writes a very good essay though she would really rather be outside in the garden, on her bike or playing basketball or soccer. Time with her has flown by- this is her last year before she turns 13, something I can't believe is so near! What a mile stone! I love watching how my children grow and learn and become who God has made them to be- he sure made a sweet girl this time!