Friday, May 8, 2009

I Dropped My Monkey.

We went to Homeschool Day at Elitches today and had a great time. Last year due to pregnancy I was limited to the Ferris Wheel but this year I tested fate with Shake, Rattle 'n Roll and the Tower of Doom. Next year I'm going with my gut feeling on the ride titles. Shake, Rattle 'n Roll will have to go on without me! I do not enjoy staring at the ground (a split second before flipping feet over head backwards) thinking I sure hope this machine doesn't drop me 60 feet to the awaiting asphalt below! I prefer the Tea Cups. The danger is something I create, along the lines of going in circles as fast as I can. The worse that can happen is that the cup can go spinning off of its pivot (not likely) or I might forget that Bubbadootz cannot handle motion rides (that was the fastest he got off any ride today) but it isn't certain death if I fall off! The Tower of Doom was pretty fun, for a freefall of 3 seconds anyway! I'm a screamer and I think they designed that ride to last only as long as the ride operators can take a certain pitch. StrongMan got to go with us this year and being a full grown kid himself he made it all the more fun! Last year no one dared to brave the Tower of Doom but with StrongMan it was all about bragging rights. I was glad however that this was the last ride before the park closed as he almost got pitched out! He really enjoys the science aspect of the rides and gravitational pull with something in your hand is icing on the cake! For the something-in-his-hand StrongMan chose an unsuspecting plastic monkey who had the misfortune of being forgotten in the bath tub. The kids were really excited to see said inch-tall monkey freefall with us. This small replica of a baby monkey was supposed to fall with us an inch above StrongMan's hand for 2 seconds and then plop into his hand as we came to a stop. The problem was that the monkey floated a little higher than an inch and in trying to retrieve the monkey from thin air it was tipped up and pushed away from his grasp. OOPS! He tried the mad scramble to grab it and when all else failed just ducked and covered his head (as much as possible in the restraining seat) and waited for the solid thump of a flying monkey. Nothing happened, except that the ride operator saw the monkey jump for freedom and fall just outside of where the he could inspect what had fallen. In our angst to not have to confront the powers that be and have to confess, Nena stooped and pocketed said monkey and we all quickly made our escape. The persistent operator (no doubt thinking the ride was falling apart) point blank demanded, "What WAS that?," to which StrongMan nonchalantly responded, "I dropped my monkey". The operator thought he was being played the fool and was not happy about the lack of closure. We just walked faster to get away from certain expulsion from the park. It was a great adrenaline rush to end the day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tea Party

The headlines in the news recently have really caught the kids' attention- they especially wanted to know what all the fuss was over the recent TEA parties. I decided to take advantage of the glories of homeschooling and have a unit study. We got out my favorite nice dishes and the tea pot and set a pretty table. I made some very yummy finger food and we settled in. I thought I would teach them a little history about the original tea parties and then correlate it to current events and explain that many people were feeling that there was too much of their money being spent without having a say in the matter. Well, I saw it going much differently in my mind. I really saw them marveling at the way our government was established and delighting in the freedom we have to peacefully disagree with the powers that be and so on. I think they were more interested in the grub. The girls were saavy enough to feign interest anyway. I was rather disappointed! We cleaned up and put the things away and with a sigh I closed the book and started planning how I might teach them about the freedoms they seemed to take so lightly. As it turned out, I neither had to plan nor teach anything- the opportunity presented itself as the kids were working on their Lego city. When it comes to their Lego city, Dramagirl has all of the makings of a great crooked politician- especially the love of power part. She always somehow manages to put herself in a position where others have to pay her (they have created their own Lego currency even) and for whatever reason they all go along with it. This time however she overstepped her bounds and it was on! She set herself up as the police and then told everyone that she required payment from them all to pay for their protection. She matter-of-factly explained something along the lines that taxes were a necessary evil for living in society. Buster had enough. He got very riled and protested "No way! I'm not paying you any more taxes!! T-E-A! Taxed Enough Already! You can't have any more of my money!" Ok, so maybe they were paying more attention than I thought!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Soccer Mom

With 4 kids in soccer in the same season, I'm officially Soccer mom and I love it! I had no idea that it would be this fun to schlep kids from one field to another, cut up oranges for half time snacks (or bring strawberries for bonus soccer mom points), make sure they all have shin pads, cleats and no watches, and to scope out which are the coolest end-of-game snacks (thanks to mom-in-law for the sunflower seed idea- officially making me the coolest soccer mom!). I LOVE soccer mom detail. I even enjoy trying to figure out how we're going to get 4 kids to 3 games on a Saturday, or in the case of this snowy spring- how we are going to make up 3 missed soccer games between 2 teams (the girls and Buster). This weekend I wasn't so hot on the scheduling front. I got interrupted while entering game times on my calendar and scheduled the girls out of their game, then I told the my in-laws the wrong time for Buster's game (I still feel bad!). There go the bonus points! I have to say my favorite game so far was the one where I took this picture. This is Buster's first season playing (the rec league 4 years ago doesn't really count) and he is really fun to watch. This photo shows him in the goal box- having just blocked the ball from going in (though the pic seems to say otherwise- hmmm). My nerves were frayed but he did a great job blocking, especially considering this was the first time he got a chance to brave the box. Growing up my soccer team was the "Go go's" (as a side note, there is something rather humiliating hearing "Go Go-go's" as you frantically scramble to try and keep the ball from going into the net- yet again (Yep, I was goalie and we STUNK!!!). We didn't win a single game and I was truly unsuited for the goal box but they kept putting me in. Given my poor soccer history the angst I felt for Buster was not unfounded, but I needn't have worried so much! Buster did beautifully! I do have to keep reminding myself that it is just a game and that I did agree to and sign the Parent's Code of Conduct. I recognize that I am not the coach but sometimes I just have to let it out. When Buster plays it is hard not to yell the whole time. Boys soccer is rather intense! Even StrongMan (who never yells) has developed a sideline coaching voice! Buster has been known to run the whole field for the whole game without tiring out- except for the game when they told him that he had to stay in his position and he stood in one spot nearly the whole time. Coach realized that Buster is a literal person and has since rectified his comment by giving Buster a position "zone". I love the way the boys scrap for the ball and of course we love to hate the ref- that goes with the sideline coaching position! In girl's soccer a girl gets hit with the ball and they cause a big drama but not the boys! The boys get plowed over and stepped on and still are concerned neither about standing nor injury incured until they've kicked the ball, even if they are on the ground! I can't believe how much fun it is to watch Buster take a slide kick and get the ball away from his opponent. It is really a fun workout for me (sure I know that my kicking the air ball in front of me doesn't actually help the team but I must do my part!). Today's make up game was incredible. The boys played against a competitive team and fairly held their own. There were all of the elements present for a good game- a terrible ref, plenty of heading the ball, shoulder to shoulder racing at break-neck speed, near misses, a few rough elbows here and there, dead on scores from the perfect scoring set ups, lots of chatter and passing and lest I forget- a hoarse voice and sunburn! I can't wait until Grogus plays football!