Soccer Mom
With 4 kids in soccer in the same season, I'm officially Soccer mom and I love it!
I had no idea that it would be this fun to schlep kids from one field to another, cut up oranges for half time snacks (or bring strawberries for bonus soccer mom points), make sure they all have shin pads, cleats and no watches, and to scope out which are the coolest end-of-game snacks (thanks to mom-in-law for the sunflower seed idea- officially making me the coolest soccer mom!). I LOVE soccer mom detail. I even enjoy trying to figure out how we're going to get 4 kids to 3 games on a Saturday, or in the case of this snowy spring- how we are going to make up 3 missed soccer games between 2 teams (the girls and Buster). This weekend I wasn't so hot on the scheduling front. I got interrupted while entering game times on my calendar and scheduled the girls out of their game, then I told the my in-laws the wrong time for Buster's game (I still feel bad!). There go the bonus points! I have to say my favorite game so far was the one where I took this picture. This is Buster's first season playing (the rec league 4 years ago doesn't really count) and he is really fun to watch. This photo shows him in the goal box- having just blocked the ball from going in (though the pic seems to say otherwise- hmmm). My nerves were frayed but he did a great job blocking, especially considering this was the first time he got a chance to brave the box. Growing up my soccer team was the "Go go's" (as a side note, there is something rather humiliating hearing "Go Go-go's" as you frantically scramble to try and keep the ball from going into the net- yet again (Yep, I was goalie and we STUNK!!!). We didn't win a single game and I was truly unsuited for the goal box but they kept putting me in. Given my poor soccer history the angst I felt for Buster was not unfounded, but I needn't have worried so much! Buster did beautifully! I do have to keep reminding myself that it is just a game and that I did agree to and sign the Parent's Code of Conduct. I recognize that I am not the coach but sometimes I just have to let it out. When Buster plays it is hard not to yell the whole time. Boys soccer is rather intense! Even StrongMan (who never yells) has developed a sideline coaching voice! Buster has been known to run the whole field for the whole game without tiring out- except for the game when they told him that he had to stay in his position and he stood in one spot nearly the whole time. Coach realized that Buster is a literal person and has since rectified his comment by giving Buster a position "zone". I love the way the boys scrap for the ball and of course we love to hate the ref- that goes with the sideline coaching position! In girl's soccer a girl gets hit with the ball and they cause a big drama but not the boys! The boys get plowed over and stepped on and still are concerned neither about standing nor injury incured until they've kicked the ball, even if they are on the ground! I can't believe how much fun it is to watch Buster take a slide kick and get the ball away from his opponent. It is really a fun workout for me (sure I know that my kicking the air ball in front of me doesn't actually help the team but I must do my part!). Today's make up game was incredible. The boys played against a competitive team and fairly held their own. There were all of the elements present for a good game- a terrible ref, plenty of heading the ball, shoulder to shoulder racing at break-neck speed, near misses, a few rough elbows here and there, dead on scores from the perfect scoring set ups, lots of chatter and passing and lest I forget- a hoarse voice and sunburn! I can't wait until Grogus plays football!
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